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Lets talk Horses

Lets talk Horses

Equine Lactation

Words by Luisa Wood – Farmlands Equine Nutritionist


The start of spring often means hearing the pitter patter of tiny hooves and is the most common time for foals to be born. For broodmares, lactation significantly increases their

physiological demands. Well-fed lactating mares can produce the equivalent of 2-4 percent of their body weight in milk daily during the first two months of lactation.


In order to sustain this incredible output, the energy requirement of nursing mares is nearly double that of barren or early-pregnant mares. In addition to elevated energy requirements, nursing also boosts protein, calcium, and phosphorus requirements.


As well as adequate forage through pasture and hay if required, supplementary feed is generally required to maintain weight in lactating mares and meet their increased needs for energy, protein and trace minerals. NRM Evolve is an ideal solution here, and designed specifically to meet these requirements. As well as high quality protein and organic trace minerals, Evolve has the added benefit of Buffered Mineral Complex (BMC) from our technical partners Kentucky Equine Research.


BMC has been shown in research studies conducted by KER to serve as a potent buffer in both the stomach and large intestine, and as a key component of a new supplement shown to increase bone density in young stock. This makes Evolve also ideal as a supplementary feed for foals when the time comes to wean them from the mare.


For ‘good doer’ mares and young stock that require less calories, NRM Progress is a concentrated version of Evolve that contains similar ingredients but is fed at half the feeding rate. For assistance with feeding plans for breeding or young stock, consult with a qualified equine nutritionist.


NRM Evolve Nuts 20kg

Complete feed for breeding mares and foals. Suitable for pregnant and lactating mares as well as young growing horses from 3 months of age.

NRM Assett 20kg

Complete feed for growing horses and young horses in work. Suitable for horses from 6 months of age.

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