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Do You Know What You’re Paying For?


Buyer Beware! – Are you paying over the odds for seed that’s not certified?


Farmlands sells a variety of certified and uncertified seed, but our preference is for shareholders and customers to purchase certified. This means you’re buying seed that has passed minimum standards for germination and purity. Look for an MPI bag tag stipulating 1G seed (first generation seed).


Uncertified seed has not gone through the certification process and has no guarantee of being true-to-type. This means there’s no guarantee around what variety, species, germination, purity or endophyte you’re buying. With so much effort going into preparing and drilling paddocks, poor seed quality is the last thing you need!


If you are considering buying seed, ask for a Purity and Germination test for the specified line prior to purchase, so you know what you are paying for. This test will show germination, purity, contaminants, line number, test date and more. If the seed is promoted with endophyte, ask for an endophyte test.


The bottom line is make sure you’re getting what you pay for.


If you have any questions around seed certification, Farmlands has a highly skilled team of Technical Field Officers & Agronomists you can call on for advice.